Contract with Myself

 I hereby agree to enter into this contract with the undersigned and aforementioned, as they are both me.  The terms are as follows:

You, the aforementioned, agree to be delightful.  "Delightful" shall be defined as being what you feel like being each day. Delightful is also defined as being what you feel in your guttiest gut, deep down solid soulful true core of yourself.  You will act on it, or choose not to act if you are feeling like you just want to sit still and stare into space.  You will draw or sing or write or talk to small figurines as you feel led.  You will post on Instagram according to your whim and whimsy.  It will be what some may consider excessive.  You will rearrange your furniture as many times in as many awkward configurations as you need to in order to feel delight.  Then you will rearrange it back when you decide it was righter the first time.  You shall address as many people and animals, wild or domestic (both the people and animals) as you need to as Boop, Honey, Cutie, Slick, Slim, Baller, Pimp, and any other word that springs to mind when it feels fun.  You will watch their face and take it back if they don't love it.  You will speak to yourself as much as you like, because you are good company.  You will sing every terrible song on your Spotify playlist repeatedly and with great gusto until you are bored or hoarse, whichever comes first.  You will tell the dog she is the prettiest and best everyday until she is "gone to her second life" where she will probably be a baby seal.  You will tell your children how handsome, healthy, hilarious and honorable they are until they question your sincerity.  They'll be like, "Nah, nah, it's too much, bro.  You're biased; you have to think that because you love me.  It can't be true."  But it IS true.  That is why you'll keep saying it, because true compliments are delightful. 

In return for your Delightfulness, I shall not grade you nor question you.  I shall not tell you you are too much.  I will cheer you on because you are keeping a contract and that is a responsible loyal thing to do.  In fact, it is - dare I say - delightful.  I will feed you and house you, and tell you that you are cute.  I will call YOU, Baller.  I will remind you that Love or god or the world or something you can't see or explain is still there helping, and whether you can explain it or not, you are free to believe.  I will call on them.  I will call family, old friends, and new friends and probably strangers on the street, so that you can share your delightfulness and learn from their own unique style of delightfulness.  I will believe in you and become your most crucial support for being you and doing crazy art that comes from your gut.  I will tell you to listen to other people who say good words to you so that you can stop poking holes in their compliments or love.  I will teach you to love others and yourself without worrying that you will forget the first one if you do the second.

I will share this with others in case it helps them love themselves ❤️