Soft Skills in Food Lion

What if what comes easily to you matters?
What if you never thought of it as useful
because it came so naturally that you assumed 
everyone felt the same way inside?

I don't know what makes sense to you,
what you do that feels like reflex?
Do you look at numbers, and they all just jive?
Did you hear someone explain how engines work
and you nodded, "Yeah, man, I get it.  
No need to say it twice."
When a child looked confused, did you know
exactly how to rephrase the instructions so
she'd bravely try again?
Did you think everyone knew how to do these things?
I don't know how.

But I did think that everyone was like me,
that the world was their cocktail party.
I didn't know it was anything special to feel
safe in this world.  
Whether by my history or inclination,
I move about the earth ready to meet you.
Not everyone makes sure their resting face
isn't bitchy.  
But I try.  Good god, do I try.
Even in Food Lion, 
okay, especially in Food Lion,
where no one is having fun,
If you happen to catch my eye,
you can bet it'll be watching yours just in case
you need me.
I try to say with my face, "Hey, this too will pass.
You're almost done, and the Cheezits are on aisle 4.
It's hard in here, and 
none us looks healthy in this
harsh lighting, but you're pointed towards the eggs,
and some of them won't be broken.  
Press on, little sibling.  You're doing a good job."

Yes, it IS a lot to say in a two second passing,
but I try.

If I had to be a color, I'd want to be warm yellow.
So, when you passed me, you'd feel warm,
you'd think of dawn and feel encouraged.
New days, new chances, your potential
and your value.
Because look at you; you're delightful!  
That's why I'm shining, so we'll remember.
Or maybe no one ever told you, 
so I'll tell you now.
RIGHT now, here, in front of the bag salad.
The brown bag salad.
Hey, don't blame the manager.
She's doing her best, 
but she's up front renting Rug Doctors,
and it's too much for Vanessa.

I never knew that not everyone is thinking this
while they're out and about town, 
looking for the intersection of the Venn
believing every two humans can connect.
I didn't know everyone doesn't feel they are 
living in a commune,
just out for the day, working our beats,
in TJ Maxx, in the brewery, in the church,
at the gas pump, 
I didn't know we all weren't self-designated customer service reps.
And I didn't know it might be a gift
given by my DNA or god
or the privilege of a safe childhood.

But maybe The Why is just another excuse to say your gifts
don't matter, because "Nothing good is easy."
What a sad sentence.
At best, it may be faulty;
At worst, it may be sacrilege.
Be easy with yourself.
You're almost to the Cheezits.