My own worst interview to date

You ever meet one of those people who is trying to make interviews "fun?"

As I was finishing law school and interviewing for jobs, I met one.  He seemed so grown up to me at the time, but in hindsight, he was probably about 30 and decided he'd try something different.  God, did he hate me. 

He became what I can only describe as apoplectic.  

Unfortunately, in reality, I gave only the first answer.  I'm normally a big fan or getting creative and silly, but you know how it is; you get your smart girl navy suit on, you practice faking that you understand the Uniform Commercial Code, and you walk into the interview in your sensible heels.  You aren't in the right mindset for some newly-adulted-grownup to try to get fun and spicy with his questions.  It's too bad really.  He'd have loved the magical corn dogs.