definition #2: to touch or disturb something repeatedly
people are not threads to worry and pull and twirl around your finger.
when i was young and i'd snag a favorite sweater,
my mother would find her seam ripper,
using the very tip of that tiny harpoon, she'd restore not ruin.
she'd wrap the loose thread around that metal prong twice,
neatly tuck it back into the weaving,
but people are not sweaters.
they're not the threads of your well-being.
they are not your source of peace.
try not to pull on, pick at, or shake them
trying to make them
give you what you want;
the exact answer that you want;
the response you think you need
at the time that you want;
which, by the way, is always five minutes ago.
do not re-worry the thread.
let it be.
tuck it back in, or snip it away,
not everyone is forever.
and if you're not sure which,
sit on your hands til you know.
in the meantime, don't pull and tug simply because
you've never learned a better way.
you can learn new ways.
there are books (god, so many books),
counselors cropping up on instagram nightly
each one desperately obsessed with your well-being.
there are people who've lived longer than you
and know things...
do you really believe you are the first without the tools?
listen, little snowflake, this is why there are professionals.
they're here for the threads; they're here for the worriers.
you didn't know any better when you were younger,
you didn't know any better when you were younger,
it's forgivable,
and you don't have to be perfect now.
but at least now we know and we can practice better ways.
but at least now we know and we can practice better ways.
better for them, and better for us.
a fellow snowflake 💙