It was the 80s. The world had Pac Man Fever. And Sandy's caught the first strain.
While Dad was traveling, he saw a tabletop video game called Space Invaders. He said to himself, "This is going to be big, and we need to get on board." By 1981, there were over 40 video games in the Sandy's shop across from the USC Horseshoe.
That Sandy's location began as one fourth of a little apartment building. Not long after opening, Dad rented another fourth next door, and filled it from front to back with arcade games. USC students filled the space. One entire half of the store was like its own arcade.
In 2025, you may not realize how exciting this was for a 5th grader. Go ask your parents. In the early 1980s, we had two past-times: roller skating and the mall. At the mall, my friends and I were heading to Hallmark to buy Snoopy posters and Smurfs, but the boys from school were at the arcade at the other end. They played games for as many hours as they were allowed, or until their quarters ran out.
Imagine a hot dog shop slammed with customers lining up outside to buy Super Slaw Dogs. Then imagine doubling the size of that shop, and filling it with every new arcade game. And you can bet we had every new game, because Bud Sanderson does nothing in a small way. He goes big, and when possible, he goes first.
Simultaneously, two brothers were becoming local radio personalities. Woody and Leo Windham had a show called "Woody with the Goodies." They were fun and hilarious, and we all listened to them. It was South Carolina in the 80s, and we were all about beach music and shagging. Woody and Leo were playing the music and joking in between.
Dad got an advertising spot on their show, and Woody coined the phrase, "How 'bout them dawgs?!" He and Leo would bellow it over the radio during morning traffic. It was catchy, and people would call it out to my dad in the store and on the street. By then, there had been some tv news spots and articles in The State newspaper about a little hot dog business that was growing like crazy in Lexington and Columbia. Eleven stores opened in eleven consecutive years. But at this point, we were only into the first few. Woody and Leo did great advertising, but were all also big fans of the food and friends with my dad. I think we may have gotten a lot of free advertising based on how much they liked the food.
Sandy's was growing, but so was I. Back to the birthday parties.
My birthday parties were basically a hot dog, ice cream, and video game free-for-all. My most memorable involved George Rogers who had just won the Heisman Trophy while playing for the USC Gamecocks. Okay, I'll admit I had no idea who he was at the time, but you can bet some of the kids at the party did. On my 11th birthday, Rogers was at Sandy's eating dinner like he regularly did. My dad knew him as a great customer. In fact, he had a two-player football video game Rogers loved to play. Recently I asked Dad, "Who played with him?" My dad said, "Whoever he wanted. He was George Rogers." So as they chatted and said hi, kids started arriving for the party. He signed Sandy's napkins for all of us who met him.
After ordering whatever we wanted, Dad gave each kid a giant Sandy's cup full of video game tokens, or maybe they were still quarters at that point, I don't know. I just remember pie-eyed sixth graders receiving them as if they were sacred offering and running to spend them. Some of them were deciding so carefully which games to play that Dad said, "You know you can just come get more when you run out, right? I know where to get more."
Later, we went upstairs to cut the cake with John Travolta drawn in icing. I'd taken a photograph of him in the movie Two of a Kind - no it was not a hit with anyone but his die hard fans - and the confounded bakery woman did her best. This was before any kind of icing technology and it was a mess of black icing. You really don't want a headshot of someone with black hair on a birthday cake. We ate, and with black teeth, ran back to play more games.
It was a good way to turn 11.