
I take the human body very seriously.  I mean, toes are funny, but otherwise, I want to treasure mine and others'.  
I want to practice looking at people with gentleness.
I want us to look at their bodies and realize that it is a form and precious home that has carried them their entire lives.  And even if they ridicule it, hate parts of it, joke about it, we don't join in.  We just silently or verbally, remember it is the one body they get, a precious living amazing place that carries them through this world.

Then, after that, I want us to look down at our own bodies...the parts with which we war, the parts that we've spent years wishing away and dreaming of changing, and place a careful hand on each part to thank it for serving us.  It has worked so so hard.

We get one skin.
It is our boundary between us and the world.  It is a precious outline of our self and soul.  It should be the line between us and others, and if we choose to allow anyone to cross it, this is a sacred gift to them.  Likewise, if someone shares a part of themselves with us, even if they joke and berate themselves, let's not agree.  Just a pat, a quiet solemnity usually settles anyone and reminds us we live in a sacred dwelling.